Salsa 202 - (Hamilton) - INTERMEDIATE
Thursdays @ 7:00pm | 50m per Class | 4 Weeks | $85+HST
Available spots
Service Description
Salsa 202 is the second course in our Salsa 200 series of classes. Students may take any of the Salsa 200s in whichever order they please after having completed Salsa 101 or passing a free assessment. Salsa 202 is for dancers who have learned their basics and their right & left turns (covered in Salsa 101). Salsa 202 will cover all travelling turns from a break back position and is essential learning for future figures. No Partner Required. Syllabus - Footwork Covered: - Hook Turn - Half Left Turn into Half Prep Turn - Full Prep Turns (Left & Right) - Step Taps (1, 3, 5, 7) Patterns Covered: Pattern 8 - Travelling Right + Pattern 2 Pattern 9 - Revolving Door Pattern 10 - Waiter Turn Pattern 11 - Behind the Back Pass

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
566 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON, Canada
(647) 222-7561