Salsa 304B - (Oakville) - ADVANCED
Sundays @ 4:00pm | 50m per Class | 4 Weeks | $85+HST Per Person
Available spots
Service Description
Salsa 304B is the fourth variation in our Salsa 300B series classes. Students may take the Salsa 300 courses in any order after completing the Salsa 200 series of classes or passing a free assessment. No Partner Required. Salsa 304B Syllabus: - Leads Forward Left turn into CBL Inside Turn into Titanic into Double Turn (Place & Take) - Double Copa Check - Bounce the Back hand with elbow up and over into Titanic into pop - Exit Titanic into Right hand up hammerlock and comb ladies on 1 - Unwind inside turn for ladies and leaders left turn under arm on 7,1 switching hands & catching ladies hand with right, bouncing on 5, sending into wraps (infinite loop wraps)
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
33 Shepherd Road, Oakville, ON, Canada